Royal Watercolour Society Auction for AGBI

Royal Watercolour Society President Charles Williams has donated a framed painting Standing Bear V4 to be auctioned to raise funds for the Artists’ General Benevolent Institution. Don’t miss this opportunity to acquire this work and at the same time contribute to the valuable work of the AGBI.

The Artists’ General Benevolent Institution (AGBI)

The AGBI was founded in 1814 by members of the Royal Academy of Arts including J.M.W. Turner, John Constable, and John Soane, and was incorporated by Royal Charter in 1842. It is one of the oldest charities in the United Kingdom.

The AGBI financially supports professional artists in need and their dependents living in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland who cannot work or earn due to accident, illness, or older age.

Standing Bear V4
Charles Williams PRWS NEAC
Watercolour & Gouache
28 x 19cm (image size)

About the Auction

The auction is to be conducted in secret, bidders will not be aware of the highest bid. There is an opening bid in place of £200, so bids below this will not be successful. Please read the Terms and Conditions below.

Bids can be made either by submitting the form below or by email to giving your name, a contact telephone number and stating your bid in pounds sterling. The auction will close at 12.00 midday GMT on 6th December 2023. The auction organiser is Linda Saul ARWS, the RWS AGBI steward for 2023-24. If you have any questions regarding the auction please contact Linda.

After the auction is closed the highest bidder will be contacted and, once payment has been received by AGBI, arrangements for collection/delivery of the painting will be made.

Terms and Conditions

  • The value bid should not include any money that could be reclaimed by AGBI through Gift Aid.
  • All bid submissions will be acknowledged within 48 hours.
  • Bids must be made in pounds sterling.
  • If you make a bid and subsequently decide you wish to rescind the bid please contact the auction organiser.
  • Where two or more bids of the same value have been received, the bid received earliest will take precedence.
  • At the end of the bidding process, the highest bidder will be contacted by telephone and given details on how to make payment for the full bid value direct to AGBI.
  • On receipt of payment by the AGBI the painting becomes the property of the winning bidder and arrangements will be made for collection/delivery.
  • If the AGBI does not receive payment within two weeks of the winning bidder being notified, the next highest bidder will be contacted.
  • It is expected that the winning bidder will collect the painting from Bankside Gallery by arrangement with the auction organiser. Alternatively the winning bidder may pay for the cost of delivery of the painting by agreement with the auction organiser. In the case that the painting must be delivered by courier then it will be shipped unframed.
  • Contact by telephone will only be made in the event of a successful bid, or if we are not able to contact you via the given email address to acknowledge your bid.
  • The successful bidder will remain anonymous unless the decision is made to publicise the result by mutual agreement between the successful bidder and the auction organiser.

Make a donation to AGBI

If you’d simply like to make a donation to AGBI click here.

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